Become A Verified Flect Installer
Join the premier international group of carefully selected automotive service experts and take your business to levels you never thought possible.

Increase Business Profits Exponentially
Take home more profit by automatically receiving discounted product pricing on every single order, no matter the size, applicable on all Flect products.
Free Exposure To New Clientele
When potential customers reach out to us for help in finding an installer, we connect them to Flect Pro Installers local to their location.
Access To Exclusive Marketing Materials
From pre-designed materials and digital ads to roll up posters and free product samples, we constantly develop and provide resources to help you grow.
Extended Warranty On All Flect Products
Being a Pro Installer gives you and your business the ability to offer your existing and future customers options and reassurances that no one else could offer.
Access To Installer-Only Discord Groups
Join a worldwide community of motorsports enthusiasts and professionals, connect with potential clients, get free exposure, and much more.
Extended Return & Exchange Times
From pre-designed materials and digital ads to roll up posters and free product samples, we constantly develop and provide resources to help you grow.
Early Pre-Sale Access To New Products
Flect Pro Installers receive early pre-launch access and ordering rights for all new and upcoming products.
Admission To Private Flect Events
From private car shows to product masterminds, receive free access for yourself and unlimited guests for any and all future events held by Flect.
Dedicated Support Line For Order Help
Our Pro Installers are a staple to the support of our brand. All Flect Pro Installers receive dedicated text and phone lines as well as emails for 24/7 priority support.